Brewing Guide

Brewing is the last and most critical step in your coffee's journey. The following guide and smartphone brewing app will help you realize the full potential of every bean.

Our recommended smartphone brewing app.

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  1. Use clean, fresh water.

    Coffee is 98% water, so it is essential to use clean, fresh water for proper extraction. You may need to filter your water to reduce impurities, and if your water has an “unpleasant” flavor, use bottled water.

  2. Use the correct water temperature.

    Unfortunately, many auto-drip coffee makers do not heat water to the correct temperature. If your coffee is under extracted, you probably need to replace your brewer or use a pour-over or immersion method to brew.

    For brewing coffee, the proper water temperature is between 195-205°F. If your water is too hot, you will scald the coffee and produce bitterness from over-extraction. If the water is not hot enough, the result will be under-extraction and result in sour, bitter flavors and a thin, watery consistency. As a rule of thumb, you will be close to the correct temperature if you pause a moment after the water comes to a boil. If you are after perfection, use a thermometer.

    Avoid any coffeemaker with a hot plate that continues to apply heat to the coffee. After more than 15 minutes’ exposure to direct heat, your coffee changes chemical structure, and all kinds of bitter, acrid compounds emerge.

  3. Use a scale.

    There is only one way to ensure consistent brewing results; Use a scale. Preferably a metric scale. By weight, the water-to-coffee ratio should be between 15:1 and 18:1 depending on desired brew strength. The Coffee Cup Guru app makes this easier.

    If you insist on winging it, use roughly two tablespoons of coffee per 6 oz. of water.

  4. Use fresh roasted whole bean coffee.

    Once it’s roasted, coffee is sensitive to air, moisture, heat, and light. Keep your whole-bean coffee in an air-tight, opaque container at room temperature. Set your grinder for the brew method you are using and only grind the amount of coffee needed for the next brew-cycle. Grind too fine, and you will have a bitter and over-extracted cup. Too coarse, the results will be watery and under-extracted.