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Mexican Topacio Chiapas

    • Topacio is grown by small producers located in regions of Jaltenango and Villacorzo Chiapas in Mexico. Between the January and April harvest, they hand-pulp their coffee and ferment it in small tanks before sun-drying. The majority of coffee production in this area is dominated by small producers with an average farm size of 1,5 hectares with Bourbon and Arabic Tipica trees. Several microclimates with heavy humidity give the coffee in this region a good acidity and nice body.

      This region's volcanic soil and a combination of sunlight, temperature, and precipitation provide the essential components for growing Strictly High Grown coffee. Some say this is where Mexico´s best coffee can be found.

    • Cupping Profile

      Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Caramel, Citrus
      Body: Smooth
      Acidity: Bright
      Brew Methods:
      french press iconFrench press (coarse grind)
      auto drip iconAuto Drip (medium grind)
      pour over iconPour Over (medium-fine grind)
      espresso-iconEspresso (fine grind)
    • Origin Information

      Country: Mexico
      Region: Chiapas
      Elevation: 900 - 1100 m.a.s.l.
      Harvest: December - March
      Cultivar: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catuaí
      Process: Fully Washed, Patio Dried
    • Medium Dark Roast • Agtron 45

      Roast Level

      Agtron numbers are precise, industry standard representations of the degree of roast.
      The lower the number, the darker the roast.


    • Acidity

      Acidity, used as a coffee term, refers to bright, tangy, fruity, or wine-like flavor characteristics found in many high grown Arabica coffees.


      The physical mouth feel and texture of a coffee. Full bodied coffees have a strong, creamy, and pleasant, mouth feel. A coffee's body (light, medium, or full) is its thickness due to the amount of dissolved and suspended solids and oils extracted from the coffee grounds, and may range from thin and watery to thick and creamy.


      Coffee aroma is the fragrance of brewed coffee and is closely related to coffee flavor. Without our sense of smell, the taste is limited to the tongue senses of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Many nuances of coffee are in its scent, or "the nose." Coffee aroma is experienced after drinking the coffee when vapors drift upward into the nasal passage. This "retro-nasal" aroma is responsible for much of a coffees aftertaste.


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