
The Chemex was created in 1941 by German inventor Peter Schlumbohm. It is known for brewing a sweet, balanced cup with a clean finish and plenty of nuance.

Burr Grinder
6-10 cup Chemex
White Chemex Filters
Scale w/ timer
Gooseneck kettle

Recipe: 40g coffee : 680g water
Grind: medium-coarse
Time: 4:00

1. Position and rinse filter, discard water
2. Place Chemex on scale
3. Evenly distribute ground coffee
4. Tare Scale & start timer
5. Wet coffee evenly w/ 80g water
6. At 0:40, slowly pour 350g water
7. At 2:00 slowly pour 250g water
8. Brew should finish at 4:00
9. Pour into your favorite mug.

♥ Enjoy!

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