The Kalita's flat-bottom coffee bed geometry, patented "Wave" filter, and three-hole design work together to provide an even extraction that makes brewing a perfect cup accessible and easy.
Burr Grinder
Kalita Wave
Kalita 185 filters
Scale & Timer
Gooseneck kettle
Recipe: 18 g coffee: 300g water
Grind: medium-fine grind
Time: 3:45
1. Place Kalita / mug atop scale
2. Rinse filter & discard water
3. Evenly distribute ground coffee
4. Tare scale & start timer
5. Wet coffee evenly w/ 30g water
6. At 0:30, slowly pour 115g water
7. At 1:00, pour in spirals to 200g
8. At 1:30, pour in spirals to 250g
9. At 1:45, pour slowly to 300g
10. Brew should finish at 3:45
11. Take a whiff!
♥ Enjoy!